Saturday, 27 April 2013

Where is Eurostar complaints team?

Despite loads of complaints and details of things that always go wrong ect ect, eurostar makes no attempt to reply to all these complaints. Typical of Eurostar, they will always try to avoid complaints and always try and convince you it was out of their control. Over 5000 viewers of this site each month and still Eurostar refuses to comment or address any of the issues listed on this site. Makes you wonder what do the staff at eurostar complaints actually do for their salary? And what does the head of eurostar do if not run eurostar!?


  1. The eurostar complaints team are only there to make the every day idiot feel like someone is listening to them. When in fact, all they are doing is listening to your complaints and doing absolutely nothing to help you. They are recruited to be punch bags only, nothing more. Its a sad affair, they are people with no power to do anything in fear of loosing their job.

  2. Welcome to the Horse meat society ! on paper it is brillant !
