Monday, 29 April 2013

Stupid website!......grrrrrrr

Eurostar have changed their website and its a load of rubbish!
crashed several times when I am making a booking, takes longer to load or to select seats and its really really really bloody annoying when your trying to book your tickets in a hurry. I hate it, prefered the old one, but even the old one had its problems, just not as many as the new one. Eurostar, you really messed up on this one, maybe they used junior web students?


  1. Yes the website is possibly the worst functioning site from a large company I have ever used and nothing appears to be being done about it (I book every 6 months and last 4 times have had the same issues). Multiple glitches, painfully slow and worst thing is if you DO manage to get near to the end of a booking and it then crashes out there is every possibility that that booking will have gone through and you will be charged. You may NOT however receive a booking confirmation email for this so the first thing you know about it is a debit on your credit card.
    This happened to me. Assuming the booking had not gone through I tried again and managed to complete the booking but on my credit card statement a month later there was a double charge. I repeat I only ever received one confirmation so it was not simply an accidental double booking. I got a refund but this took forever (probably 2 months and multiple phone calls and emails although my initial contact said it would be a couple of days) PLUS they refunded it less £5 for no reason! Their fault but I end up paying a £5 charge! I dont have the energy or willpower to spend 30 mins back on the phoen to get that £5 back. Totally crap.

  2. Its all about the money markets. If they steal £100 from 10,000 people booking, and keep it for 1 to 2 months, thats £1,000,000. They put that onto the money markets for 1 or 2 months, make a tidy profit on interest, then hand back the money to customers in refunds. Its illegal, but technically there is no law against this for train companies. Its called a free loan, and you the customers are providing this loan, funny thing is, after giving them a loan and making them millions in interest per year, you then proceed to buy a ticket! And Eurostar proceed to sell you a seat on an old train ready for the scrap yard. Hilarious legal con of the century.

  3. Absolutely right. The website is utter garbage, the IT people who designed this should be shot. I can't even get close to booking as it comes up with oop sorry there's a problem when in fact its a simple search for a return journey. Doesn't even tell you what the problem might be.

  4. What do you think would happen if there was a choice in euro tunnel train companies between the UK and France? Eurostar would then address all the problems or face going in the can.
