Thursday, 22 August 2013

Eurostar Customer service....or 'The F**k off department'.

Eurostar Customer Services. (The F**k off Department)

If you have ever been the victim of late trains, rubbish service or the most common having trouble with the stupidly annoying Eurostar online booking website, and you have tried to complain about it, then you would have experienced the standard Eurostar "We dont give a crap" standard email reply. Of course they dont put it in that exact wording but after you read their reply email I can assure you it means precisely just that, i.e piss off.

For example:
Eurostar says: "I am sorry you are having difficulties in using our website"
Translation:  "too bad"

My reply: Cut the standard crappy reply emails out, and try actually doing something about what customers complain about. Treat people as individuals, we are not sheep.

Eurostar says: "All our prices are subject to availability. If you were trying to purchase the last seat left someone else was attempting the same thing. Tickets are sold on a first come first sold basis"
Translation: Our website has problems and there is nothing you can do about it so...too bad.

My reply: Oh REALLY!?!?!? at 2am in the morning!? for the next 2 hours!? Lying mother f***ers.

Eurostar customer service should be renamed 'The Eurostar F**k off department'


  1. I have to admit after having a 30 minute phone call last week with a guy in customer services, it really is the F**k off department, they never help with anything and they must employ graduates of philosophy or retired sweet shop owners because he really talked allot about nothing! You ever meet those annoying people who talk talk talk and you just wanna cut them off but they dont give you the chance without you sounding rude? Those people. Really Really annoying and pointless.

  2. They really just dont give a shit. I am sure they are told to just keep people talking, when they use words like understand and feeling. You know they trying to manage you.

  3. I have no idea why eurostar customer service team exist? Maybe its some type of regulatory requirement? Because they really dont help at all.

  4. They dont have any powers to help which makes me wonder what is their point of existance!? maybe its political? tax break?
