Monday, 20 May 2013

Ticket price still to high....

Eurostar continues to abuse its powers by over charging customers. Prices are as much as 195 Euro Baggage and cattle class one way from Brussels to London. Or 285 Euro ONE WAY for pointless premier class. Its getting a little bit silly now. Stop screwing us over and charge us normal human fares. Unless people shit money its just a rip off. Eurostar know this and they dont care, they already dont do a good job of managing the seating plans. Its just a joke, but the jokes on YOU the customer.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Russian mafia on Eurostar.....

Very suspicious death of an Albanian mafia member on the Eurostar. Not much information available in the press on this, but like me if you was on the train at the time you will know what happened. Russian speaking mafia members clashed with one Albanian member. Clearly drugs related as its reported there were calm talks before the Albanian mafia member was thrown from the Eurostar. Albanian mafia carries out drugs and prostitution business in the UK, its suspected that the Russian and Albanian mafia worked together but had a dispute over payment. Its also stated that the Russian mafia using an offshore account have invested into the Eurostar company in 2001.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Eurostar screws us....

yes Eurostar continue to screw us users of the eurostar by raising their prices.
They raise prices on empty trains just to make more money from thin air. A ticket might start at £35 then go up to £45 then £55 then £75 then £95 All in a day, why? Because when you finally buy the ticket at the extortionate price of £100, you will find that ....YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON ON THE FRICKING COACH!! so what was with the 2 seats left! bollox!? When you know full well there is no one on the train!!!! Assholes. Its a classic case of legal robbery. How else do you think they make millions in profits? You dont make that type of money without screwing everyone ALL the time.